Monday, June 15, 2020

10 Words That Need To Be Banned From Digital Job Adverts

10 Words That Need To Be Banned From Digital Job Adverts In my job its safe to say that I see more than my fair share of digital job adverts in fact, Id even go as far as to say  that I probably see more job adverts in a single day than anyone whos actually  hunting for a new job. That said; when you see as many job adverts in a day as I do, certain things start to annoy you and Today I thought it was time to get on my soapbox and vent about the cringe-worthy words that some recruiters and hiring managers are using in their digital job adverts. OK, so I know that as a recruiter or hiring manager its your job to try and make your role sound as appealing as possible and so its understandable that you want to use cool words in an attempt to sell both the role and the company but theres a fine line between cool and cringe and unfortunately some of you are straying over the cringe line more often than not. The problem? Rather than attracting viable candidates, youre actually deterring them and potentially putting them not just off the role but your whole business too. Why? Because theyre struggling to identify with the words youre using which means they could struggle to fit in with your company as a whole. And some of the words are just walking cliches so That said; after a quick rally around the Bubble office, Ive come up with a list of the top 10 words that we think should be banned from any job advert, regardless of which industry the role is in. 1. Ace: The problem with this one? Its just downright embarrassing and what does ace actually mean anyway?! In fact my inspiration for this blog came from spotting this word in a digital recruiters tweet and cringing into my chair. Talking of cringe-worthy adjectives 2. Awesome: Although this one might be a favourite of Bubbles very own MD, awesome is just as bad as ace in my opinion. Why? Because its a bit outdated and is more likely to make a candidate roll their eyes than reach for the apply button. 3. Good Communication Skills: OK, so this ones a phrase but we thought wed throw it in because its just a bit ridiculous. I mean who doesnt think they have good communication skills? Talk about stating the obvious 4. Cool: Quite simply any company that calls itself cool, most definitely isnt. 5. Funky/Trendy: Again, funky and trendy are just a little outdated and they dont actually mean anything 6. Guru: OK, so this one falls back to the dodgy job title thing I mentioned before, but again, its so bad we thought we had to include it. Now, Im not sure if the word guru was ever actually cool but its safe to say that if you use it in your job advert now, you might not get the results you need. 7. Urgently Seeking:  Ive included this one for a few reasons. Firstly, its obvious that the role is urgent because theres a job advert up so theres obviously a need for a new candidate. And secondly, using the word urgent can make your company sound a bit desperate and could suggest your company has been screwed over 8. Unique: Is the role really unique? Well then why are there 100 others on the same job board with the same title and the same job description? 9. Dynamic: Whether its a dynamic work environment thats available or a dynamic candidate that you want, its all a bit meaningless and, well obvious! I mean of course the environment is going to be dynamic what working environment stands still?! 10. Hands-on: Argh! This one drives me crazy! Of course you want a hands on candidate who can get their hands dirty! Again, its just a given and really unnecessary OK, so in some cases candidates might only have experience with the strategy side of things rather the implementation but surely theres a better way of saying proven implementation experience than hands on?! As ever, Im keen to hear your thoughts on this one! Do you agree with this list? Have another common job advert word that drives you up the wall? Leave me a comment below

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